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The Top 5 Reasons to Start an Ayoub’s Franchise 

# 1 NO direct competition

When you own an Ayoub’s franchise, you have the luxury of having no direct competition. We are the only fresh roasted nuts and exotic fruit chain in the country, allowing us to completely own the local markets and communities we serve.

That means YOU will own YOUR market. 

And this means lots of customers for our franchise partners!

# 2 HUGE differentiation

Not only do we not have any direct competition, we have such a high degree of uniqueness in our product that, given the current paces at which customers buy nuts, other retailers cannot compete with us. Here’s why!

We have the freshest nuts in the city BY FAR

Why? We roast every nut and make every product FRESH, hand crafted IN HOUSE.  We are far more than a retailer…in fact, every store actually operates as a small scale micro producer. This is the hidden secret and magic to our success. And because we roast and make everything in HOUSE, we use ZERO preservatives and will, therefore, always have the freshest nuts in every city we are in. 

And because we aren't just retailer, and because we roast everything in house, not only does it mean that we can charge higher prices than your average nut store, it also means that each sale can be more profitable! 

We have 300 different products

Variety is our best asset, as customers enter into Ayoub’s looking for a tasty treat and stay far longer than expected as they browse our never-ending selections, asking questions of our friendly and knowledgeable staff, and immerse themselves in the mouth-watering world of Ayoub’s as they try and sample our endless array of new and delicious flavors.

Look, no one needs another chocolate shop on the corner…people want something NEW. They want something exotic- something that quenches their thirst for travel, adventure, and novelty. So those who are burnt out by those same old same old chocolate shops start coming here…and they experience something they’ve never had before. 

Then they come back the next day for more :)

The power of our unique flavours

when you take all the recipes and flavorings combinations and combine it with our specialty in house roasting method (our use of unique roasting ovens and techniques to achieve the perfect conditions for our one-of-a-kind flavours) you get a standout product that is unbeatable in the marketplace! 

No one can compete with the freshness and tastes of Ayoub's.

This is what helps our franchisees stand out and deliver a totally unique and tasty product that makes our fans RAVE throughout their community. 

# 3 A FAST growth market

Ayoub's sits right at the intersection of the most powerful forces impacting the food industry today, including:

  • The move from meals to snacks across multiple demographics 
  • The shift to healthy snacks vs. chips and other snack options that have little or no nutritional benefit
  • Nuts becoming the fastest growth segment within the healthy snack food market.

#4 A REPEAT customer business

When a customer tries our nuts and exotic fruits, they almost always come back? 


Simple, the flavors of course! 

Because customers can not find anything close to the richness, uniqueness, and quality of our product anywhere else. Our business was built for repeat customers. And for our partners, this means after you market and get customer in the door, you can focus on consistently delivering the Ayoub’s 5 star experience as your business continues to grow and grow and grow!


Two words, WARM NUTS. 

We know that Ayoub’s is so DIFFERENT from anything else out there…..and of course we know it would be WAY easier to mass produce. But we didnt want easy. Because easy means we can’t be so DIFFERENT from anything else out there.

It’s like the craft beer phenomenon vs. mass-produced beer. We know we are
appealing to customers with a certain expectation of quality and individuality.
You don’t come to Ayoub’s for something common…you come for something SPECIAL.

That’s why grocery stores can’t compete with you as a franchise owner.
What you have…they never will. It’s the Ayoub’s advantage in action. 

So the next question is pretty simple…how does it all work?